Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

Month: December 2005

I Heard You Found Somebody New And That I Never Meant That Much To You

Well, the art of timing is really fucking me in the ass today.

Went to the gym. Saw the trainer. Had to have a couple minutes of awkward talk as he was in one of the down moods i.e. not lavishing me with hugs. Then he meandered off and as I was finishing, I saw him standing at the top of the stairs talking to some girl. I thought about tapping her on the shoulder and saying, “Don’t bother, he’s totally bi-polar.” I had to walk right by them to go downstairs to the street.

Bottom of the stairs. Bam. Right into the one that got away. So there were a few more minutes of awkward talk.

I stumbled over my words and stumbled out the door, shaking like a 7th grader.

Crazy, Crazy On You

Scroll down. I’m posting like every hour now. These guys are FREAKS. I would like to state for the record, that these pics with the shirt off are completely ridiculous. About 50% of my responses are shirtless.

New Freak’s first email to me:
Wow, you’re right, according to your ad you’re not like most girls. Well, you sound laid-back, and I like that quality in a woman. Hi, my name is Chris, and I live in DC. I’m 30 years old, 5’10, with short brown hair, and light green eyes. I work out 4 times a week, but mainly just cardio, so I have a decent body. I like to have a good time, but can also carry on a good conversation. I like movies, art, going out to dinner, or just sipping mint tea in Adams Morgan. I’ve lived in DC for the past 8 years, and I know all the best places to eat! If you’re interested in meeting a warm person with a good sense of humor, then we should get together for that mint tea. Talk to you soon! Chris 🙂

Ok. This man is not Velvet’s type. So I email back:
You men and your shirt off pictures are everywhere. I have more men with their shirt off pics in my inbox than, well, anyone else I know. I don’t think we are a match though. Thank you for the email.

And I get this:
Well, that’s the only pic I had at work. Hmm, maybe you’re not as laid-back as you once proclaimed missy.

And I think: Dickwad. So I write this:
Ok. Now I have to ask. Why on earth would you have that picture at work? My my.

So he writes this:
I grabbed it from an old email…….wow, you are DEFINITELY not laid-back at all!

And I write:
What are you talking about? This is hilarious. You had a half naked pic of yourself at work. Hilarious.

So I get this:
LAID BACK: adj. not taking things too seriously, willing to accept unconventional ideas without scorn. See also: not Stacy. It’s hilarious that I had a picture of myself in Ocean City at the beach in my email folder? Half-naked? Hahahahahahahaa you sound like a 12 year old. Seriously, I definitely don’t want to hang out with someone who thinks a guy in swim trunks is showing too much skin. Oh, by the way, the 1920s called. They want their sense of shame back.

And I write:
Wow. You are snippy. I’m totally joking with you. When you grab your dictionary again, look up “psycho” and see if your pic is there. Christ. You are a mess aren’t you.

He comes back with an email that says he’s not serious, he’s being sarcastic. And I say, I’ve already had one unravel today so I wasn’t surprised actually. Then he writes back and says, “Ok, send a picture.”

I don’t wanna. He grosses me out now.

Ten minutes after the last email, he sends another one: “Seriously, are you going to send that picture?” Ten more minutes after that, “Yeah, you suck.”

What is wrong with these people? No wonder these deranged defects are single. Wait. What does that say about me? Damn.

Go Crazy On You

Dear Female Friends:

This man is certifiably insane. Do not date him.

He is a Craigslister Gone Crazy. He sent me an email with this picture attached and said, “Quick, don’t think. Just send a pic.” So Velvet complies, and he writes back and says, “You’re cute. IM me at XXXX.”

I send him an IM explaining who I am and why my IM id is different from my email and he says, “What can I do for you?” I said, “You just sent me an email 3 minutes ago telling me to IM you. So I’m IM’ing you.” Then he tells me I’m “Fucking clueless and a lier.” Yes, he spelled liar like that. This madness went on for a minute and I said, “Look, you fucking told me to IM you so I did. If you are going to call someone a liar, at least learn how to fucking spell it.” Then I logged out. But he squeezed one quick message in that said “ok, bye.”

Why are these crazy people out walking our streets? It’s scary. Well, he was one of my 5 hot men, so he’s out. Down to 4.

My Fantasy Has Turned To Madness

Since I seem to be running out of men, I posted another Craigslist ad at 5:00 Wednesday night. I texted CL#3TextTormenter and said I couldn’t make it. I got incredibly tired and just didn’t feel like leaving the house, and eventually, my bed. I fell asleep at 6:00 and woke up at 8:00. And I had 26 messages in my inbox from Craigslist. One was an old email from the elusive CL#2BlueEyes, and yes, he still wants to meet. He’s very hot. I still want to meet too.

To answer Rhinestone Cowgirl’s question, I never told CL#1Writer that he was out. I should have, and I felt bad about it, until oh, about 10:00 p.m. when I was in the midst of writing back to some amazingly hot men who contacted me and a new message popped into my inbox from, you guessed it. CL#1Writer. So, he’s looking for chemistry (aren’t we all?) and he said my ad sounded wonderful, blah blah blah. So, he’s fine. He’ll live.

I am really surprised that the week between Christmas and New Years has yielded some of these fine specimens, but it has. I’m up to about 45 emails as of 11:00 p.m. Wednesday night, answered almost all of them, if only to say to some that they aren’t my type. And there you have it. I’m in full on email convos with a man with a six pack (not the kind you buy at a liquor store,) a man who looks like he just fell out of a British rock band, another who wrote all the same stuff about himself that I would have written I would be looking for, another who looks like Tom Cruise but hopefully less crazy. So we’ll see what the next few days bring.

So What’ll Happen To You Baby, Guess We’ll Have To Wait & See

I never called CL#3TextTormenter back last night. It was my plan to at least leave a message when he was on the plane flying back, but I got a little lazy. This morning, as I was wondering if I should call him, he called. But I didn’t pick up. I don’t know why. I didn’t feel like it. Then the text messages begin:

CL#3TT: Call Screener! No more calls now. Only texts.
Velvet: Just cause I don’t answer the phone doesn’t mean I’m screening. Ever heard of being unable to get to the phone?
CL#3TT: I hear ya. I thought I’ve called a few times over the last few days.
Velvet: Just last night and this morning.
CL#3TT: Feel free to call me back whenever you get the time.

So I went out to walk the dogs and I called. It was an infuriating conversation. When he and I were first emailing, we had this long stream going back and forth. He asked me a bunch of questions in one of his emails, I answered and didn’t hear back. Since I seem to (still) be having problems with Yahoo mail, I rewrote and asked if he got the last email. He seems to have taken that as a sign for non-stop communication. He keeps bringing that up. Ok, so we’re on the phone when I’m outside letting my dogs have their off-leash way with Dupont Circle. He tells me he is coming into D.C. to meet some friends and wants to meet up with me. I say I have a few things to do but that sounds like it might be ok. He says he will call later with the time. Fine.

More texts:
CL#3TT: Should I call or text?
Velvet: Call

But then, and I swear I’m not lying, I got a work related call. So I picked that up and then when he called I said, “I just got a call, I have to call you back in a few.” He started bitching at me and I said, “Goodbye! I’ll call you back.”

I am having a massive issue with our new office. I ordered the top of the line furniture and it got damaged over the weekend and no one is fessing up. So I was in the midst of these phone calls and then I called him back when that settled. He was like, “You were the one who emails me asking what happened to me, so I call you a few times and you freak out.” I remind him this is my work phone and I’m working he says he’s just kidding. But it still annoys me. Now, let’s debrief for a second.

That email where I followed up a second time was WEEKS AGO. We have had numerous phone calls and numerous text messages since then, and never once since then have I called or texted or emailed two times in a row. Yet, he keeps bringing it up. This is maddening. I don’t know why he’s so incredibly insecure. Someone must have really done a number on him.

Anyway, I’ve now received a text that he’s on his way into the city and said he will see me soon and he’ll buy. Then he sent a follow-up that said something about owing me some relaxation. Ok, there. Finally. Perhaps if he would just chill out a little, this could go on.

Why do I attract people who think it is OK to call me in the middle of the night? As soon as I jettison some asshole out of my life who is a drink and dialer, I get another one. For many years I had Jake, the cracked out friend of an ex-boyfriend who had all these emotional problems. I had to set him straight, but it took a long time. Then I had The Bartender. Then CL#3TextTormenter tried that shit and I put a stop to it. So I think I’m in the clear but The Bartender fucking called me at 1:45 a.m. last night. This is not cool. Yes, I am speaking directly to you! I’ll use caps since I know you like that.

  • To The Bartender: STOP CALLING ME BETWEEN THE HOURS OF MIDNIGHT AND 7 A.M. I do not have a job that allows me to drink all night and stay awake calling people. Therefore, I have to get to bed at a decent hour and I have to wake up at a decent hour. Despite the pattern of months past where I have been working from home, the sleeping until 10:00 a.m. days for me are over. OVER. This phone must be able to stay on overnight for emergencies. If you continue to call me in the middle of the night, I will show up at your bar and tell all your new girlfriends that you have a gift that keeps on giving* ensuring that you will never have sex in this town again. Don’t think I can’t do it. I will out you on this blog, name and all, and ruin you! HA!

*People, please. Velvet keeps her motor clean. Do not even begin to worry about this. It is a ploy to beat The Bartender into submission. You must know that when it’s down to a man vs. Velvet, Velvet always wins.

Do I Seem All That Hard? Is It All That Tough?

Do I need to go to Dating AA?

CL#3 is on his way back from wherever he was for the Hellidays. He sent me a text message that said, “Are you around?” followed by an almost immediate phone call which I didn’t answer. Hey, I was at the dog park and I was throwing the ball for Thora, so I was “busy.” Then I got another text that said, “I’m at the airport and I’m about to take off and I wanted to talk to you before I did. You’ve been elusive the past few days.”

Nothing gets by you, CL#3TextTormenter. Elusive. Shit son, I’ll show YOU elusive.

It Wasn’t That Hard To Figure You Out

Some quick updates.

CL#1Writer: I called him back Thursday night and left a message. As I was leaving said message, he called on the other line because he probably just missed my call. I still left a message but I said, “Hey, I know I owe you a phone call, it’s been a hell of a week. Sorry about that, but I wanted to call you back. Bye.” Even though I didn’t say “Give me a call” I thought maybe that could be read between the lines. Then he called again, but I didn’t answer because I’m a chicken. I left it at that. But then I felt guilty, so I sent an email on Friday saying that I left him a message back, etc. I didn’t hear back from him until today, and I almost thought I was in the clear. But no. I need to stop being a child and just tell him I’m not feeling this.

CL#3TextTormenter and I had a date on Friday for lunch. After lunch we went out for a drink and played Megatouch (loves it) at a bar. He was a lot more touchy feely than I would have liked. I’m not sure what it is with men who are instantly affectionate; For me, affection builds with time. I may not hold someone’s hand on the first few dates, but after a bit I will develop the desire to hold their hand. Or not. Depends on the person I guess. Anyway, when we were saying goodbye on the corner of 19th & L:

CL#3: I don’t like this.
Velvet: What?
CL#3: Saying goodbye in a public place.
Velvet: Huh. Well, it works for me.
CL#3: Well you should have me come back to your place.
Velvet: No
CL#3: Well, I have to meet a friend, can I see you later?
Velvet: A second date on the same day?
CL#3: Yes. I want to see you before I fly out tomorrow.
Velvet: I guess so. I have some things to do.
CL#3: Well, it wouldn’t be until later.
Velvet: Fine.

At that point we said goodbye. There was a minor kiss, a bit of tongue. Whereas with CL#1Writer, I knew I had no connection with him, I don’t feel that way here with CL#3TextTormenter. I’m not feeling the green light, but I certainly don’t want to never see him again. Well…maybe.

So the night comes and goes and guess who I never hear from? At 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve I got a voicemail from him saying that he was sorry about last night, he got drunk, blah blah blah, was in Atlanta waiting for his connecting flight, blah blah blah. Do I care? Nope. I didn’t call back.

Christmas morning he sent me a “Merry Christmas” text asking if I got his message about the prior night. I said, “You too, and no prob. on Friday.” He wrote back and said something about me being a cool chick or whatever, and he wants to see me when he gets back. Then today he sent some messages about wanting to see me Wednesday or Thursday. Whatevs. He sent that message 3 times before I answered it. I finally said, “Not sure what I have going on but we can work something out.”

These men are hilarious. The more I back away (a.k.a. play hard to get) the more they are on my ass. This “hard to get” thing is definitely an old game, but I’ve read a fabulous book that teaches a new twist on this. Instead of ignoring 95% of the phone calls, you answer most of them and say things like that you are/were busy anyway or you couldn’t have possibly seen him because some “friends” came over and you went out. He’s already proven himself to be a Kennedy in training, as in he drinks a whole hell of a lot. The idea of him doesn’t gross me out, he’s attractive and nice enough, but he definitely has those dick qualities that desensitize me from feeling bad about any of my behavior. It’s on. Let’s go little boy.

A Christmas Warm & Fuzzy

In the spirit of hating my parents, I’m going to tell you about Christmas 2000 at the Velvet Family Compound. I shall set the scene.

I was living in Atlanta with my then boyfriend, AtlantaBoy. My parents were so pissed when I announced that I was moving there in 1998.

Dad: You have proven yourself to be the biggest disappointment of our lives.
Mom: Where’s Atlanta? Are you telling me there is land south of the end of the Jersey Turnpike. (Ok, I’m kidding. She didn’t say that, but they both thought it.)
Mom really said: Get all your shit out of my house because you aren’t coming back.

Fine. I took what I could and left the rest for the trash, and moved. When I would call home from Atlanta, they would say, “Oh, Velvet,” in a massively snotty voice. It was never good. Then a year later, in Sept, 1999, I went home to Connecticut for a week. When they were driving me back to the airport my oldest brother said, “Too bad you weren’t staying for this upcoming week because older brother is coming in from Michigan.” I asked why no one told me and my mom blew me off.

Two days later, back in Atlanta, I get an email from my dad:
Velvet: If you call here in the next 14 days and we don’t answer, don’t worry. Your mother, brothers and I are going to London and Paris.

I was stunned. How could I have just been there for a week and no one mentioned a fucking trip to a continent none of them had visited? My mother said, “It didn’t cross our minds.” I cried in my boyfriends shoulder for weeks. How could this family hate me so much for moving out of the New York metropolitan area? Subsequently, I didn’t talk to them for many months, and when my brothers (in cahoots with the crazies) would email, I would answer back with just one or two words.

Time went on and I just wanted them to like me again. So move ahead to Christmas of 2000. My mother requested that I come home, alone. My boyfriend was never invited because my parents refused to acknowledge his existence. Mom said it was going to be the “last time we would all be together” and that was her reason for wanting me to come alone. (My mother has been using that line since I was 11 and my oldest brother went to college. The math on that works out to 21 years that I’ve been hearing the “last Christmas/Vacation” crap.) So I show up at the airport in N.Y. and no one is there to pick me up.

I wait a few minutes, then pull out my brand spanking new Sprint PCS cell phone (PCS stands for Piece of Cocksucking Shit in case you didn’t know.) I try to call but of course have no signal. So I go to a payphone and make a call “home.” Here we go.

Mom: Hello?
Velvet: Hey, is anyone coming to get me?
Mom: What are you talking about?
Velvet: Please tell me you didn’t lure me up here to play a trick on me.
Mom: The airline said your plane was canceled.
Velvet: Well, it wasn’t. I’m at the airport.
Mom: I’m telling you, you’re plane was canceled.
Velvet: And I’m telling you, I am STANDING IN NEW YORK RIGHT NOW.
Mom: Well why would they say that it was canceled, let me see if I have the right flight number.
Velvet: Does it matter? I know what New York looks like (unmistakable gray clouds.) If you’re not coming to get me then I’ll take a cab into the city and find a hotel.
Mom: I’m sending your father.

Dad arrives 30 minutes later and I’m just seething mad. Plane canceled my ass. But then I walk in and my mother greets me like I was the Pope bringing 8 gallons of holy water and a couple of bagels. It was like an episode of the Twilight Zone. She has never been that happy to see me in all my life. I sit down with her and we are watching t.v. Then I hear the front door open.

Older brother who had moved to Grand Rapids walked in the house and went straight upstairs without saying hello to me. It had been 3 full years since I had seen him, to this day the longest period of time we’ve gone without seeing each other. I go upstairs to say hi and give him some shit and he tells me that our parents are mad at him because he went to a friend’s house in New Jersey instead of staying home to await my arrival. (The arrival that they also said wouldn’t be happening because the plane was canceled. These discrepancies are the sign of insanity.)

The weekend unfolds and it’s obvious how mad they are at my older brother, and suspiciously how “back in the fold” I am all of a sudden. When I returned to Atlanta, my boyfriend was so happy for me. Imagine a man shunned by a family for years being happy for his girlfriend that a bunch of psychos finally accept her.

Here’s the thing. I was always in the doghouse for having the wrong boyfriend, the wrong haircolor, going to the wrong college, getting C’s instead of A’s, moving in with the boyfriend, leaving New York, bartending at night and on the weekends because my crappy job didn’t pay the bills. Whatever it was, I was in trouble for it. I had anticipated in those first few years of living with AtlantaBoy that if we got married, no one in my family would come. I never realized that that fateful weekend in 2000 was the beginning of an event unprecendented in my family – one of the chosen children was now on the outside of the circle. And I was somehow back on the inside.

In the year 2001, older brother’s relationship continued to deteriorate with my parents. Even as I quit my job in the summer and drove across the country with AtlantaBoy (i.e. became more of a “loser” in their eyes,) they were happy to hear from me and acted like parents again. Older brother went to Connecticut in August, 2001 and that was the final straw. Mom wrote him a letter about how selfish he was for something he did that they didn’t approve of, and he wrote back. No one writes back! But he wrote back, thereby launching the Letter Writing War of 2001. It was ugly, and both of us saved our letters and ended up showing them to our respective therapists who were appalled at how we had been treated. During all this conflict, I found out a lot of things, most notably that my parents specifically directed my brothers to keep the London Paris Extravaganza a secret from me. And they went along with it, until the tables turned on each of them. What goes around, comes around.

When my brother got married in 2003, our parents boycotted the wedding. Every other relative was there to support my brother. My Aunt and Uncle unofficially filled in as the role of the parents. Older brother dropped me off at the airport after the weekend. When we were saying goodbye, I started to cry. He took my bag off my shoulder and put it down on the sidewalk.

Brother: It’s okay. So they didn’t come. It’s fine.
Velvet: It was supposed to be me.
Brother: What was?
Velvet: It was supposed to be my wedding they boycotted.

The impact of these two people missing their son’s wedding will be felt forever. They are not in pictures. They are the talk of all their friends, who hold them up as the worst of the worst: “Well, at least we’re not like the Velvet Family.”

People do shitty things to me and I suck it up and go on with my life. But when people do shitty things to someone I love dearly, the pain is immense and permanent. It’s somewhat of a consolation to have my brothers to lean on, but it is bittersweet. Remember that I was on my own in the “doghouse” for the better part of 15 years. My sister-in-law reminded my brother that his few years pale in comparison to what I endured. Once he became the whipping boy for my parents and their lofty aspirations for their kids, he started to see what I was saying all those years about them being extreme. Once my oldest brother (always a favorite) saw that our parents didn’t go to our other brother’s wedding, and that they totally ignored the existence of his girfriend just like they did to my boyfriend, he too realized what was up. Both brothers have fessed up that they never knew it was this bad and that I was going through it alone.

Will I miss them on Christmas Day? Nope.

No One Else Can Feel It For You

Look what showed up in my fake email inbox today:

  • Hello,
    I would like to extend an invitation to you to join a brand new group, if you qualify.
    This is group formed primarily for people on craigslist personals as well as other online personals sites, who have often been frustrated and found it a waste of time. Yes, this will come across as elitist, and perhaps may even offend some. I dont really give two hoots. This group is designed for only the beautiful people. And membership is going to be strictly open to only those that meet a minimum criteria of attractiveness. You have to be physically fit, look great, and have a great personality. See that way, we can organise parties and events, and everyone will be happy. So who is the judge you might ask. For starters, it will be me, and then when we have enough people, we can form a small panel to decide whether to admit someone or not. And I will be looking for like minded people. I will also make sure we maintain a 50-50 gender ratio, so that our parties and events will be fun and well balanced. So if you are interested to join, and think you are eligible to be counted amongst the hip and beautiful, send me an email with a clear picture and description of yourself, with a few words as to why you believe in the concept.
    Click on the link below and submit your application for membership.
    group website :
    email me at :
    and yes…(Please, dont send me mails about beauty being in the eye of the beholder, blah blah blah, or save the flames if you are upset, its not going to faze me.. And I know there are enough of us out there who have wasted enough time with CL to appreciate this endeavour)LOVE – Lovely Ones & Very Eligible

This email address might provide more entertainment than the Paris Hilton email (which by the way, I never fully utilized.) Please, I urge you, send the ugliest pictures you can find to this group who really seems to have prioritized their values in the most interesting of ways. I think I’m going to respond, just to see if I’m accepted. HA!_____________________________________________

I went to the Blogger Happy Hour last night. Much fun was had by all. I’m unable to go through the whole list of everyone I spoke with, so I’m sorry! I got a chance to talk to Barbara and Reya for a bit, and it was nice to put faces to blogs. I found the funniest part of the evening was when Playful in D.C. told me that THE BARTENDER asked her if she knew of my blog. When she replied “yes,” he pointed at himself and said, “I’m the Bartender.” He has given narcissist a whole new definition. Ok, it’s funny. I can really pick ’em.


CL#1Writer called me again tonight as I was leaving the Blogger Happy Hour and still standing on Columbia Road with Jamy and Always Write (who I don’t want to “out” by using her name, just in case.) Last night when he called, he left a message. Tonight he didn’t leave one. So I’m perturbed that he told me Sunday to call him this week. Then he calls Tuesday and leaves a message. Ok, fine. But calling tonight, not leaving a message and then I find an email when I get home. It’s a little much. So now I have to just cut it off. I want to use the “you’re a great guy but I am not feeling it” line. We’ll see how that goes. I need to do it soon.

CL#2BlueEyes – haven’t heard back from him again. He can simmer on the back burner for a bit while I get to the bottom of what’s up with these other two.

CL#3TextTormenter – We’re talking about meeting tonight. He’s in girlfriend mode. I can tell. I’m putting the bait out and throwing the line.

Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open

I went to the gym this morning. Bi-Polar trainer came over and hugged me from behind while I was doing bicep curls. WTF? I said, “Isn’t this a violation of gym rules?” And he acts all sweet and sappy and says, “No, I can hug a member if I want.” I thought about saying “I can hug a member too but please let’s not let it be your member” but I didn’t. Sometimes it’s funnier in my head anyway.The Craigslist team:

CL#1Writer called again. I think that I’m over the idea of dating him again. I should tell him that I have no chemistry.

CL#2BlueEyes called me yesterday. Of course I missed the call, of course. But his message was really sweet like, “We’ve had some great banter on email and I really look forward to talking to you in person.” Rrrrrrr. Bring it. I called back, left a message, ball in his court.

CL#3TextTorment emailed me and wants to get together tomorrow night. Fine by me. Let’s go, soldier boy. Miss Delaware ain’t got nothing on me.

Can You Help Me Unravel My Latest Mistake?

I had my interview with the reporter from Consumer Affairs. It’s safe to say that It’s Just Lunch is It’s Just in Trouble for all their scheming and lying. There are two issues here for those of you in the dark. 1) The quality of their “clients” is not what they maintain; 2) They can’t follow simple instructions resulting in them screwing up many important details of the dates like the day, time, location or something insignificant like the guy’s freaking name. I explained to the reporter that while they blatantly misrepresent the quality of their clients, this is subjective, and I’m willing to overlook it. The problem is their incompetence with doing what they are supposed to specialize in – handle the details. People please. I beg of you. No one should ever do this service, nor should they recommend it to their friends. Promise to ignore the happy little ads in the City Paper where they promise to be your “personal assistant” in dating land. They are more like a “personal thorn in your side.” Thank you. That is all on that matter.

For a Monday morning, I was a busy bitch. You would think Monday morning would be about regrouping with work issues, but nope. By 10:00 I had spoken to two of my three CL men and set up tentative dates for this week.

CL#1Writer called and asked what my plans are for this week. I think I don’t want to go out with him anymore, yet I heard myself saying, “Ok, sure!” I need to correct that. It’s not right to go on when there’s no chemistry. But I’m thinking about setting him up with a friend. How can I tactfully go about that?

CL#3TextTormenter called and I didn’t answer because I wanted to hear his message so I could understand his frame of mind before I called back. He sounded sincere and apologized for the drink and dial on his voicemail so I called him back. The tables have turned a bit. He was the cocky, loud, aggressor before. But he was like, “Listen, I’m glad you called back.” Uh huh. We also made tentative plans for this week. All of this would be business as usual, and I could end this snippet right here, but, there’s a twist. It seems that this man has dated enough women to support his own blog. Interestingly enough, one of those he’s dated is someone we all know and love. While this isn’t a deal breaker (remember, I already figured him for a dick and now want to torment him on a date,) I did get to have a fascinating conversation with Kathryn and now I can’t wait to compare notes. Evil, I know. Cry me a river. Guys have been doing this to women for years.

CL#2BlueEyes is still emailing, said he has been trying to find time to call but with Christmas shopping (an admittedly poor excuse on his part) he hasn’t been able to. He’s quite cute though. Borrowed from Cookie, Meow!

Tis the season to be dating, fa la la la la, la la la la.

We Ride And Never Worry About The Fall, I Guess That’s Just The Cowboy In Us All

Look at this fabulous tidbit I received in my email on Friday:

  • I’m a reporter with I’m working on a story about It’s Just Lunch and found you name in our files. I’d like to interview you about your experience with the company. We only use first names and cities–if using your full name is a concern. When would be a convenient time to call you and at what number?Thank you for your time and assistance with this story. I look forward to talking to you soon.

How excited am I right now? I wrote back with my number and said, “I’m free to talk whenever you are. Here’s my number.” Call me sister, call me! I have PLENTY to say. ______________________________________________

Craigslist updates.

The date with CL#1Writer went off without a hitch. We got good and drunk at Gazuza on Connecticut Ave. We have great conversation, great banter, he’s witty, charming, attractive, and jammed his tongue in my mouth 18 ways till Sunday. But, when you are kissing a man and you aren’t thinking about what’s after the commercial break, it’s not a good sign. I’m not feeling it. I can’t say I won’t date him again, but I also can’t say that if he tries to touch my boobs that I won’t push his hand away. Verdict: No chemistry.

CL#2BlueEyes sent another email saying he’s sorry he didn’t call on Thursday night and that he will call me this weekend. Nothing so far. I say, bring it.

CL#3TextTormenter was all over my Velvety ass. He called a bunch of times Friday. While it’s not witty conversation, it’s hilarious, crack me up, laugh until my stomach hurts conversation. Despite all the bullshit with the text messaging and the fact that his ex-girlfriend and love of his life was Miss God Damned Delaware, I’m unphased. Ten years ago that fact that a guy dated a Beauty Queen would intimidate me. At 32, I’m much more confident. Now I think, “So what, you dated a beauty queen, the real question is, does she swallow?”

All right, that was downright disgusting. But don’t take that literally, and those of you doing so know who you are. (Mostly I mean that to Johnny, but AUA and I66 you are NOT off the hook.) I’m just saying that just because she is the beauty queen, doesn’t mean she has it all.

Anyway, we had a turn of events. CL#3TextTormenter called me at 2 a.m. Friday night when I was saying my makeout goodbye to CL#1Writer, who then pulled his tongue out of my mouth to ask who would be calling at such an hour. Uh. I had no clever answer so I said, “a friend.” Yeah, right. He’s too smart to believe that. After CL#1Writer left I called CL#3TextTormenter back and he was so obviously drunk. He said he would call me back in a few. I sent him a text message at 2:40 a.m. to say that I was going to bed and I would talk to him tomorrow. What does he do? Calls me at 3:20 a.m. Now, I was still awake but I picked up the phone and said, “Kind of late to be calling a girl you don’t really know, isn’t it?” And he drunkenly slurred out something like, “I don’t need a lecture, and I don’t need to be told so fine go to bed.”

More Laws of Velvet: People show their true colors when they are drunk and when they are stressed. When people can’t cope in either situation, their real personality comes roaring out.

I know that every single comment is going to be that I shouldn’t go out with this asshole. But, I must remind you dear readers that this is a dating blog. If he calls, even with a half assed apology of sorts, I’m going out with him. But I doubt he will call and I’m certainly not going to call him. It’s been a damn long time since a bad date. The last one started a fight with the whole restaurant. I’m curious as to what I could inspire this motherfucker to do.


On to the It’s Just Lunch update.

I met Date#9LowTalker downtown and yes, this time he showed up. Initially, they started to show us to a table, and the night dates are not supposed to be dinner, only the lunch dates are for food. At night you are supposed to have a drink, and they stress, “one drink.” I said, “Wait, we’re supposed to go to the bar, and besides, I already ate.” It was awkward, mostly because he had several chances to stop them from showing us to a table, but didn’t. So I had to do it. I hate that. And then we made our way back to the bar. I just didn’t feel like having a long drawn out dinner with him. That turned out to be the smart idea I’ve had in weeks.

My first order of business was to ask him what happened last week when he didn’t show. He said they told him 8:00. So he got there and I was gone, by an hour and a half, as they told me 6:00. I hate them. They are the worst excuse for a matchmaking dating service ever.

So we order our drinks and he is a low talking mumbler. He is probably no more than 18 inches away from me and everything he said I had to ask, “What?” He would raise his voice to repeat what he said, then retreat to the low mumbling again. Very frustrating. This is the gem of the night:

Date#9LowTalker: So, how long have you been doing It’s Just Lunch?
Velvet: About 6 months. How long have you been doing it?
Date #9LT: Doing what?

I’m sitting there speechless. Who could have THAT short of a short term memory?

I think that this man had not been briefed that these evening dates were only for a drink. This became very awkward. When I realized that he was just going to continue mumbling story after story that I got sick of straining to hear, I had to break the tension. I excused myself to go to the bathroom and the weirdest thing happened. I thought the heel of my boot broke when I was walking to the bathroom because something felt weird with my left leg and it felt like my knee was hyperextending. I made it to the bathroom thinking that I was so fucking bored with this man that half my body was in a coma. I tried to walk it off in the bathroom – it wasn’t like the pins and needles of a sleeping foot or leg – this was totally like nothing I have ever felt before.

When a stall became available, I went in to pee. Somehow, as I was crouching to sit, the bum leg gave out and I fell onto the toilet. Only me. I swear. I started to become worried at this point that I had Bells Palsy of the leg or something. I stood up and I felt very weird. I paced inside the bathroom for a couple minutes, checked the heel on my boot, poked my leg in various places, and started to recover a little. When I got back to the bar, Date#9LowTalker seemed to make a statement about me taking a while or something so I said there was a line. (Yeah, behind my peg leg.) And he said, “But the place is empty.” Whatever. I can’t elaborate with him anymore.

As I sat back down, I said, “Well, I need to get going. I’m supposed to meet some friends in a bit.” He said, “What time?” I said, “Oh, they are gathering soon I would imagine.” Then as I made a move to reach for the check, this conversation happens:

Date#9LT: Have you ever done online dating?
Velvet: Uh, once.
(Yeah, once this week maybe.)
Date#9LT: Did you know a lot of the profiles are fake?
Velvet (what kind of woman would do something like that?): No, really?

Then he launches into a whole story about how he caught someone lying about being a computer programmer. All I’m doing is trying to expedite the bill paying process. I finally throw some money down and as his story brings tears of boredom to my eyes, I hail the bartender to get our change. Then he starts a whole new story about politics of all things and I’m thinking, “What is wrong with him? I am trying to LEAVE.” He says that he thinks Libertarians are the weirdest people. That’s funny because I consider myself a Libertarian, but I don’t consider myself to be among the crazy Libertarians on the ballot every 4 years. Why he is launching into a topic as complicated as politics is beyond me when he sees that I’m zipping up my purse. Get a clue buddy. Finally he poses some deep question to me and I’m seething because I just want to get out of there and I said, “There’s no sense in discussing politics because there’s nothing we can do to change any of this and anyone who believes otherwise is living in a bubble.” You would think he would get the hint that I don’t want to discuss that or anything else, but nope.

I guess he is really lonely. He was nice, but that low mumbling and the conversation hijacking was out of control. When we finally have our change and leave the tip, I stand up. Then, he asks, “So, do you prefer movies or t.v.?” This guy is FUCKING KILLING ME. It was like I was on Candid Camera. I tell him t.v. and I start to make my way to the door.

We get out in the street and I’m like, “It was nice meeting you.” And he says, “Have you seen any good movies lately?” I cannot believe this is happening. I am, at this point, being so far beyond rude because I just cannot take anymore. He wasn’t catching subtle hints like me jingling my keys, he wasn’t catching giant hints like me walking out the door. Finally, a happy little blogger I know pulled up in a cab (yes, all planned out) and as she waved at me he said, “Oh, there are your friends.”

Yes. There they are. Thank you.

Each New One I Meet Makes My Heart Beat Fast

Thanks for the shout out, CityFlirting! Even though I don’t load correctly in Firefox, I don’t know what to do about that. Anyone?

On to my life. It’s an update from last evening, so if you missed that, scroll down for a second.

CL#3TextTormenter and I talked for 3 hours last night. I must write that again because I still cannot believe it. THREE HOURS OF REAL LIVE TALK. The last time I had a three hour conversation was in high school where I would ponder with a friend, “I can’t wait to get outta here so I can have any boyfriend I want.” Yup. Because that’s exactly how it works.

Anyway, the conversation was mostly good. I say mostly because I sense that he enjoys getting under people’s skin, and that is unfortunately a childish behavior. Take for instance when I say, “How old are you again? I forgot what your ad said.” And he won’t answer – for an infurating 45 minutes. And he thinks it’s funny that I keep asking. It might be minor, but it’s still childish and we cannot forget the following:

Men tell you exactly who they are within five minutes of meeting them. Girls, repeat after me, Men tell you exactly who they are within five minutes of meeting them.

This is advice I should have remembered when I was involved with the trainer (formerly Hot Trainer) for those tumultuous 48 hours. He was mildly bi-polar and Jeckyl & Hydeish when we were in the gym working out. I should have known it wouldn’t be any different later on.

So, CL#3TextTormenter and I have made tentative plans. He seems irked that I can’t do something on Friday. He made the comment, three times at various points in the phone call, that I “have too many men to juggle.” While it’s true, trust me that yours truly has given none of these bozos, uh, men I will be dating, any indication that that assumption has merit. So, that is a mark of an immature man, because lest we forget that his first text messages to me were saying things about why couldn’t I figure out who it was and how many people did I give my number to? This whole thing is maddening because of Velvet’s next line of dating advice.

Dating is a numbers game. The more people you meet, the better the chance that one will be a match.

So there’s no word from CL#2BlueEyes even though he said he would call. I’m still on with CL#1Writer for tonight. And there’s an “It’s Just a God-Damned-Nightmare that you wish would go away Lunch Date” on Saturday at 7. Yes, peak time, peak night. Those jerks. I really despise them.

Once more for those in the back: Men tell you exactly who they are within five minutes of meeting them. Dating is a numbers game, the more people you meet, the better the chance that one will be a match.

My work here is done for today. Stay tuned.

So Many Men

I would finish the title by saying “so little time” but there’s a ton of time. Time, my friends, is all I have. I am so drenched in the Sea of Men right now that I literally cannot keep them straight. I must go in order.

CL#1Writer: We have a date for Friday evening after his holiday party. We’re aiming for 9:00.

CL#2BlueEyes: He emailed me and said that he left me a voicemail. I never got a voicemail, nor do I see any missed calls. What is strange is that I know he’s not lying because I have that Verizon Ringback tone and he named the song I have. He’s supposed to call back tonight.

CL#3TextTormenter: We are still emailing back and forth and have tentatively scheduled plans for this weekend as well.

Now, I know what you are thinking, “Velvet, how in the hell are you going to see the above three men (if CL#2BlueEyes wants to try to get together) in one weekend?” Well, I’m not. I’m going to see four men because the other stupid It’s Just a Nightmare dude who didn’t show up last week is scheduled for Saturday at like, 7. I’ll be outta there by 8:30, max. So see, technically I still have Saturday night open as well as Sunday. Do not discount Sunday as a viable date night.

But, I have to fill up my Saturday night soon because of this email I received from my Dad:

Velvet, I checked DC Greeks and see that there is a dance-party on Saturday night December 17 at 10:00 P.M. right around the corner form your condo at Andalu, 1214 18th Street NW. Think about it. Love, Dad

Why must he torture me so? After the last Greek I dated, I’m forever scarred. I told him I would not be going, but I would feel better if at least I had some decent plans so that I could say, “I’m sorry I didn’t make it to Greek Geek Night, but, I had a date with the hottest millionaire.”

I Love To Wash In Your Old Bathwater

Dear Girlfriends of mine who have boyfriends,

Never call me and say this: “My boyfriend is busy today so do you want to do something?”

Aside from the fact that it’s rude, it implies the following:

1) You only think of doing something with me when your boyfriend has other plans.
2) You are so dependent on him that you can’t be without him.
3) He has now left you in the lurch and you need some entertainment.

Frankly, I could give a rat’s ass about item numbers 2 & 3. It’s the first one that has me stewing. When you call and say that, note how I say that I can’t accommodate your wishes because I’m already busy. (Busy as in, taking a toothpick to the space between the planks of my hardwood floors and picking out any stray dirt and trapped dog hair.) And please note for future reference, that I’m not one of those “couples only” girls. When I have a boyfriend, I have no problem bringing friends along, nor do I have a problem blowing him off for you all. But you people, you are making me sick. You have set the women’s movement back another 40 years and I hate you for it.


Why Not Take A Chance, Everything’s A Game

First things first. I found an article on dating that I posted below. It ain’t mine, but it’s worth skimming. I don’t like posting more than once a day, but, I’m getting clogged up over here in drafts.

Went to the gym today. I could hear the voice of HT as I pedaled away on the stairmaster. It made me ill. I turned off on him really fast, and I’m officially stripping the “Hot” part of his title. Now he’s just the trainer. He sent me an email today that said, “How are you?” I wrote back and said, “Ridiculously busy. And you?” And he said, “On and off busy.” I fell into a coma during that exchange. I’m sure you all did too. Ok. Moving right along.

I hate when people call and say, “Hi, it’s me.” Then launch into their dribble. You know how if you get a missed call you can piece it together? But Velvet’s cell phone doesn’t always reveal who called. The caller laments, in voicemail, that they went “right to voicemail” right after they say, “Hi, it’s me.” People! Unless you are my family, I urge you to stop doing this. It is so blipping annoying for you to assume that I know who you are. Girlfriends aside, it’s even harder to discern from my bevy of men who call at any given time.

Tonight as I was wrestling with the dogs to cut their ridiculous Medusa-like nails, I got a text message. It said, “Guess who?” This message stream ensued:

Velvet: “No Clue.”
Unknown person: “Boo. I must be one of the many you have given your number to recently.”
(Dude, we’re on Craigslist. Duh!)
Velvet: (Trying to be coy,) “There ain’t no telling. Kidding. Actually I’m pretty careful with dispensing the digits. So why did you take the cowards way out and text instead of call?”
{I’m still laughing at the sheer absurdity of what I just wrote. Again, my number is in more places than BORF.}
Unknown person: “So, you had my number when the random call came in. I’m far from a coward.”
Velvet: “You should have called instead of sending this. It’s too hard to type…”
Unknown person: “Sorry, I will.”
Velvet: “Ha Ha.”
Unknown person: “You could always call me.”
Velvet: “I don’t do that…you asked for my number, you call.”

What the FUCK is wrong with these people?

I don’t know which one he is but I am irritated right now. Who told these men that text messages are an acceptable form of communication? Why has the text message replaced the actual live phone call? Are we so busy that we can’t get on the phone with someone? Stop trying to conduct relationships via text messaging. Come on dude, you’re KILLING me.

CL#1 has officially been renamed to CL#1Writer. Because, like, duh, he’s a writer. And not a writer like the NC-17 dribble you read on this blog. A real live writer about topics so far beyond my intelligence that I could never compete. I have to keep the CL# beginning to their nickname, so then I can keep track where they came from. Think of it like a marketing effort, “And how did you hear about dating Velvet?”

So, CL#1Writer and I have a date on Friday night. He emailed me. I accepted.

One of the other two CL’s (#2 or #3) has got to be the text tormenter. I don’t know which one it is, but that will become his new nickname, and the other one will have to be appropriately named as he reveals himself.

Midnight Drunken Update:
Ok, I finally had an actual phone conversation with the text tormenter. But what you are reading now is drunken blogging as I had promised to go to BestGuyFriend-M’s tree trimming party tonight and forgot about it until the very lastest minute. I wanted to bail but I’m glad I went because I got to see some fab people I never get to see! I had two glasses of wine, then a glass of champagne, then a glass of half champagne/half wine, then finally, ended with a glass of wine. Once more for those in the back: Velvet is wasted.

I snuck out in the hall to return a call from CL#3text-tormenter. That is his new name. He is the one in the same industry as me. I’m not impressed by our phone convo, as he said “You never told me you had a fake name.” And I said, “You never said your name was ‘this.’” He insists he did, but after consulting all our emails, nope, he never said. Anyway, he wants to try to get together this weekend. More tongue in my mouth, yum yum. I mean, uh, oops.

Sidenote – drunk as I am, you should SEE the tiny Velvet-sized-parking-space that I poured SpeedRacer into. I cannot believe it. Shut up, I only drove 4 blocks, but it’s under 20 degrees out there, and yes, one recent day I said that I would soon be complaining about how cold it is, and here is that day. And I was so not going to circle the block and park any further than close to the front door of the Velvet Condo Building. G’night.

Article on Dating That I Didn’t Write

Blind dating gets back in the game
By Olivia Barker, USA TODAYMon Dec 12, 7:52 AM ET

Friends don’t let friends date guys like Spank Me Frank, who took a gander at Ashley Nichols’ derriaire during their first and only rendezvous and declared, “I want to spank it later.” Nor do friends let friends meet men like the one who romanced Kristen Howey with a comped “blue-hair hour” buffet at a “cheesy” Las Vegas hotel. “He pulled out these coupons, and I just thought, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me,’ ” Howey recalls.

In this increasingly difficult dating world, friends – and cousins and aunts and their hairdressers – are the first line of defense against, at the very least, a dismal evening and, at the worst, a dangerous liaison. These days the old-fashioned blind date – aka the setup – seems the least of three evils, the other two being the new old-fashioned online date (Spank Me Frank’s provenance) and the double old-fashioned bar or party encounter (how Howey met her cheapskate).

It used to be that blind dates felt, well, dated, practiced by the likes of Larry and Jack on Three’s Company- and then not so successfully. (Remember Kim Basinger’s boozy, blowzy turn as an ’80s Blind Date?) They were for desperados who couldn’t get asked out any other way.
But, now, considering the menu of available mating methods – add speed dating to the aforementioned – matchmaking by friends or family carries the most potential for establishing a relationship on the one hand, singles say, and maintaining dignity on the other, especially important during the holiday party season.

Dates are vetted and vouched for by the common friend or relative, who – unlike, say, an Internet personals mug shot – can manage expectations more accurately, like whether someone’s a little shorter than average, or a little heavier or a little hairier. With a traditional, pre-approved blind date, “at least you know that if they tell you he’s a Delta Airlines pilot, he’s a Delta Airlines pilot, not some guy working at the Avis rental counter,” says Nichols, 35, who works in human resources in Atlanta.

When it comes to misrepresentation, when an online date says he’s 5-foot-10 and turns out to be more like 5-foot-6, “everything kind of goes back to the beginning. Everything that was communicated by e-mail or phone just kind of goes out the window, and you wonder, ‘Oh, my gosh. Is this the person I thought it was?’ ”

As a result, blind dating is “definitely” more popular than before, says Andrea Miller, founder and president of Tango, a new magazine devoted to relationships. “There, frankly, is no stigma attached to it.”

Years ago, people thought blind dates were “horrible,” says Laurie Graff, writer of You Have to Kiss a Lot of Frogs, a novel chronicling 15 years of Mr. Wrongs, and the soon-to-be-published Looking for Mr. Goodfrog. Now, thanks to the Internet, “we really know what horrible dating is.” Blind dates of yore were “the uncool guys I now meet online.” Seasoned singles are experiencing “online dating fatigue,” Miller says. So their blind-dating efforts are a form of backlash.

“The technology of Internet dating, while it may seem like a great thing in terms of multiplying your opportunities to meet people, more options does not necessarily translate into a better chance of meeting The One,” says Jillian Straus, author of the forthcoming Unhooked Generation: The Truth About Why We’re Still Single. “Sometimes having so many choices makes people hesitant to commit.”

Daters and dating analysts agree there are two kinds of people trawling the Internet and the speed-dating circuit: those shopping for sex and those shopping for a mate. The anonymity of the online world makes fulfilling the first goal “so much easier,” says Straus, 33, who interviewed 100 singles ages 25-39 across the country.

And distinguishing those who want to hook up for a night vs. a lifetime can be tough. The anonymity also breeds rudeness, Straus says. The Internet date is much easier to stand up. “I can’t tell you the number of friends of mine who say they met a guy online, they chatted electronically or by phone many times, and he completely blew them off. You’re not going to do that if you have a friend in common.” The online date is “just not accountable.”

And yet thanks to the Internet, the blind date’s résumé isn’t limited to the personal reference. Before the first meeting, blind dates are Googled, Friendstered (researched on the popular social community) and JDated or Matched (looked up on online dating sites). Their wired lives notwithstanding, “many GenXers have a romantic notion of falling in love and meeting someone, and many feel the online thing feels contrived and less romantic,” Straus says.

The blind date, “while it’s not like seeing someone from across a crowded room, has that factor” of gauzy fantasy. Online dating “just kind of skeeves me out,” says Scott Robinson, who works in information technology in Atlanta. “It doesn’t feel natural.”

Perhaps his buddy’s story of online wooing woe turned him off. “They met and she had a deeper voice than he did,” says Robinson, 28. “So he started looking for an Adam’s apple.” Robinson’s other strategy, asking women out at parties and during other spontaneous encounters, hasn’t exactly worked. “I’ve been shot down too many times,” he says.

And once you’re out of college, drunken escapades don’t exactly telegraph marriage material.
So he has gone down the blind-date route six or seven times in the past few years; one segued into a five-month relationship. It ended amicably, largely over religion (she was God-fearing, he wasn’t) – except that, as can happen if the setup goes sour, the matchmakers (Robinson’s friend and his wife) took it a little personally. “They’d give out guilt trips: ‘You’re going to let a little thing like that get in the way?’ ”

This past summer, the fortysomething Graff, who lives in Manhattan, went out on a blind date with a guy in his 60s (a friend’s husband knew the man at work). “He was nice-looking but dressed a little like a used-car salesman,” Graff says. “But I could see he was a quality person. If I was of a different generation, I would have been more interested.” Even though they never went out again, “he was a nicer caliber of person than I would meet online.”

Her brother, Steve Levine, tried Internet dating for eight months while living in San Francisco recently and “hated” it. “It was just so disappointing, much more disappointing than going on a blind date,” says Levine, 47, a defense lawyer now in Santa Monica, Calif. “You get pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that,” upon meeting in person, “just don’t match.” One woman, “she had a nice picture,” started bawling over drinks about how her first Internet love ditched her. “I was being sympathetic, but I was thinking, ‘I’m not surprised. The girl’s out of her mind.’ ” Another time he corresponded with a woman, “really pretty,” who emerged as “some fat guy in Wisconsin, I’m guessing.”

“The Internet is for broken people,” Levine philosophizes. “You meet another broken person, and if you’re lucky, you’re not broken in the same places and can prop each other up.”
That doesn’t sound too tempting to singles such as Howey. But neither did blind dating until two or so years ago when she turned 30 and when that date took her to that “side-street, messy old” Vegas hotel for dinner. She used to fear that would-be matchmakers were being magnanimous only out of pity. “People maybe thought I was helpless, that I wasn’t getting out there enough or doing my part, so out of desperation they were going to set me up,” says Howey, who works in public relations. But now, 15 dates in 2 ½ years later, she prefers them.
“I would never go to a hairstylist without a referral, so why go out with a guy without one?”

I’m On The Run, I’m Chasing Guys For Fun

This post is a rambling of thinking out loud, more so for me to get my Craigslist scorecard straightened out. It includes some tidbits of what various men have said to me in their emails:

CL#1: This is the man who I met last night. We’ve got good banter, intelligence, clearly doing well for himself based on where he lives and had this to say about Velvet:

  • You know what I find attractive about you? The combination of someone who is smart–and reads–but at the same time has an illegal streak, has sex in bathrooms, has a tongue ring and learned how to use it by watching porn.

(Wiping away a tear) No one has been able to sum me up in one sentence. He gets me. I could live in peace with this man, I think. By the way, he did email me today and he did express interest in seeing me again. It must have been because of the kiss. That I just realized I forgot to mention. Yes, my tongue saw a lot of activity this weekend. Actually, if we compare the two, the personal trainer and this dude, I bet my tongue saw the lowest and highest IQ’s of my dating career. I depress me. At least I ended with the high IQ.

CL#2: It’s going to be hard to differentiate them if I keep nicknaming them in this fashion. Anyway, we had a couple starts and stops on email. For a brief freak out I thought it was BoyFace based on style of writing and his choice of fake email name, but I was wrong. He sent me a picture in a group of people. I scanned the picture, saw one really hot guy and saw that the rest were all basically average. Then I referred back to his text and it would seem that he is, in fact, the really hot one. Did anyone hear the slot machine go: Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding. Also, his first email to me included a bad date story from a girl he met on Craigslist. Again, wiping away a tear, I’m touched. It’s like he can see inside me and knows that I live for bad date stories. He just asked for my number, I complied, and we’ll see where it goes.

CL#3: I still don’t know his name, but we’ve had some interesting emails back and forth. I don’t think he’s a brain surgeon, but he’s nice, good looking, and we work in the same industry. He actually works for a competing homebuilder, so that would be hilarious. He also asked for my number today and I provided that as well.

My number is in more places than Borf.

Now for some other tidbits on men I won’t be dating. One man said to me: “You are a very strong person but empty within.” It’s an interesting statement, but I doubt after a few minutes of emailing that he could sense that. He needs to use that line on an 18 year old. She’d gush, “He gets me.” I’m much deeper than that. Apparently it takes a man to recognize my love of porn and public sex to really “get me.”

Another sent this seemingly normal email, but it included this text: As for how cool a guy I am, don’t just take my word for it, here’s what another woman said to me as she was letting me down easy: “I did have a very nice time with you, I think you are a nice, funny,intelligent, handsome and confident person; we had fun and we seem to enjoy doing similar things. And, you definitely know how to physically please a woman. . . . You were great. And it is clear that you want to be with a woman and enjoy making a woman happy.” I wrote back and said that I could have done without the reference. I mean, really.

It’s Just You And Me And We Just Disagree

If you didn’t read Saturday’s entry, please take a moment to look at that so that we can all laugh at the hilarity that is my life.

I spent all day Saturday watching the Miami Vice Marathon on T.V. Don Johnson was so damn hot. I loved him as a pre-pubescent 12 year old in 1985 and I love him now as a 32 year old. I really bridged that age gap, didn’t I? He was about 35 when he was filming the show. Meow.

Spent Saturday evening with the trainer. Tribal has spoken. He has been voted off the island. Sorry.

Strike 1: He didn’t go to college (Valedictorian Velvet Values Veducation – 4V’s…sort of;) Strike 2: He’s allergic to dogs. I’m so madly in love with my dogs that I wouldn’t even entertain being serious with someone who couldn’t love them as much as I. Strike 3: It’s a general yet all-encompassing strike to include everything else about him. He didn’t walk me to my car when I left his apartment and he lives in a quasi-ghetto, and we don’t click. He is very affectionate, and hates that I’m not. He seems to get in moods, and I’m pretty even keel happy all the time. I’ve worked hard to be happy and emotionless (duh) and not get in moods and not be sappy affectionate. And I sure as hell don’t need that from someone I’m dating. Saturday night was a totally different experience than Friday night. If you’re gonna be bi-polar and all moody, don’t invite me over.

He also said, “Your phone rings a lot.” I said, “I only plan on answering it if my parents call. It’s my rule. Parents or boss, I pick it up.” He said, “You and I are so different. I would never do that.” Suck it. Mom squeezed me out from between her legs. Dad helped me out tremendously with paying for school and my current abode. Both of them love me despite the mass levels of insanity they inflict on the world around them and I answer the phone when they call. My boss gave me the best job ever and pays me way too much to do it so I answer his calls too. So, again, suck it.

I just cannot meet a normal man. And since when did sub par, defective men, become the new norm?

You know how people have May-December romances? I have Friday-Sunday romances. Make that Friday-Saturday.

Never one to sulk long, I woke up Sunday with a new attitude. I have so many Craigslisters on my ass that I don’t need no stinking trainer. I went to the gym and since My BestGuyFriend’s office is above my gym, I ran up there to confirm our dinner plans. I’m cashing in Frequent Flier miles for restaurant vouchers all over this town. When I was there I told him that I met and have been talking with someone for a couple days who happens to live in the same building he does. BestGuyFriend-M said, “Where did you find this guy?” I said, “Craigslist.” He bust out laughing so hard I thought milk would come out of his nose.

I met Craigslist #1 tonight for a drink at his house. Don’t ask. Ok, ask. The reason I met at his house is because I was storing the motorcycle at BestGuyFriend-M’s for the winter and I wanted to bring it there tonight. CL#1 let me into the garage and I put it in BestGuyFriend-M’s spare spot. Then we went up to his apartment and had a glass of wine. We have the same bedroom furniture (shut up, I took the tour) and a lot of the same crazy books. And he’s someone who I can banter with. Banter! I am so quick sometimes with my sarcasm and snarky comments that it takes a special person to keep up with me. BestGuyFriend-M can keep up with me. In fact, most of my friends can. I thought I was destined to spending a life surrounded by gay men, but, aah, someone smart and who can banter! Exciting. Then BestGuyFriend-M came to pick me up so we could go eat and he came to CL #1’s apartment. He saw my bag that had the motorcycle cover in it and said, “Oh God, is she moving in?” They talked about the building, we all went up to see BestGuyFriend-M’s place, then BestGuyFriend-M and I left for dinner and CL #1 went home.

In the car, BestGuyFriend-M said, “Don’t fuck it up.”

The evening ended with the most hilarious dinner conversation between Boston, BestGuyFriend-M and I. It was all about sex and drugs, because, come on, what else is there? I told them about the affection thing with the personal trainer and how he said I hated it and he liked it. Boston said, “It’s because you didn’t like him.” I said, “Right. You know, I could fuck just about anybody, but I couldn’t hold just anybody’s hand.” After it came out of my mouth, I realized just how wrong wrong wrong that is.

I’m Having The Time Of My Life, What A Sweet Sweet Life It Is

I cannot believe my life. My neighbor said, “I cannot believe your life.” BestGuyFriend-M said, “I cannot believe the shit that happens to you.” It’s true.

Friday morning I woke up thinking that I had a personal training appointment at 11:00 a.m. I did some work in the morning and started to get ready. Then I checked my email and Hot Trainer said he had a doctor’s appointment because his eye was red and irritated so he had to push it until 1:00. I said ok, but then he canceled entirely. Let’s take a look at the evolution of this conversation.

Hot Trainer: I tried calling you and I got a song. {Velvet has Verizon Ringback Tones.} I need to change our time to 1:00 if possible because I am on my way to the doctor for a problem with my eye.
Velvet: No problem. Fix your eye and I’ll see you at 1:00.
{In the interim, HT called me but I lost my connection and since he was at the gym I didn’t want to go through the hassle of calling back and trying to get him on the phone. Emails resume.}
HT: Did you hang up on me? Call me.
Velvet: No, I lost my signal and then waited for you to call back but my brother called. Sorry. I can call you back in a few or we can work it out by email. Your choice.
HT: I can come in Sunday around 2 if you like.
Velvet: Sunday works for me.
HT: Thanks. You are totally the best. I owe you lunch and coffee.
Velvet: It’s a deal. And I’m sorry, but aren’t you the one coming in on your day off?
HT: Ok. You owe me dinner then.
Velvet: What? How the hell did that just happen? If you owe me, then it’s lunch and if I owe you then it’s dinner? Huh. I’ve been swindled, but ok.
HT: I’m smooth. So when do I get dinner?

Now, you see? How do they do that? They work their way in and ask you out without really asking you out. Ok. So I end up going up to the gym to workout and I see him when I walk in. We have a conversation and I can tell from how he’s acting that he’s serious, and this wasn’t just a flirty game we were playing. I continue my workout and he keeps coming to find me to say little things to me – one of which being something to the effect of us going out this weekend. So when I’m ready to leave I say, “Bye, see you on Sunday.” And he goes, “What about tomorrow?” I said, “What about tomorrow?” He said, “I thought we were doing something.” I said, “Ok, we can do something.” Then he says, “Well, I didn’t know if you were busy or not, I mean, can you squeeze me in between all your men?”

Heh heh heh. Can I?

So I get home to an email that he has a whole plan for our Saturday date. Gotta love a man with a plan.

I’m trying to get out the door for my It’s Just a Nightmare, er, Lunch date, which was really drinks in Georgetown. Fucking Georgetown, it’s so damn expensive to get into or out of there. After spending a zillion dollars and a second mortgage in cab fare, I get there only to find out that AGAIN, he doesn’t show up. I say again because the last time these assholes sent me somewhere that I had no choice but to take a cab, the dude also didn’t show up. Annoying. Well, ultimately not so annoying. Read on.

Hot trainer and I were texting the whole time. When he heard that my “plans with my girlfriend” were off, he told me to come over. And I did. Only after I was in a cab back in Dupont, so it was a $17 cab ride, and we picked up some chick who may or may not have been a transvestite on the way. She looked desperate for a cab so I told her to get in. Christina was her name. Should have told her about the blog.

Anyway, what happened? Lots of stuff. He’s very nice. He told me that he had asked me (I don’t remember any of this) what I was doing for Thanksgiving and I said nothing and he said he wanted to ask me to do something back then. Huh. He cooked me dinner. (What is going on here?) He said a lot of things like that that made me wonder why he would pick me with all the girls who go into that gym. He said he never really talked to anyone like he talks to me, and then he said what I always get: “I feel like I could tell you anything.” What? Why do I get that? I’m one of the biggest assholes I know. I don’t know why people say that to me.

Oh. One more thing. He’s a good kisser.

Twelve Noon Update:
He called. He’s having second thoughts about us dating when the gym has strict rules about dating both employees and members. Huh. Isn’t it a little late for all this? I would normally suspect that the guy just wasn’t that into me, but in this case I’m not so sure. Not by the things he says. Not by the way he doesn’t want to get off the phone with me. Well, I’m sure there’s going to be more to come.

I Don’t Know Why I Act The Way I Do

Here we go. Craigslist’s finest. I should tell you that my email address has a fake name – you’ll need to know that for reference. It’s been an alias for years. Here’s one of my email exchanges:

Crazy Guy: Good morning.
Velvet (after a full day elapses:) Good Morning to you.
CG: Where were you?
Velvet: The asylum only lets me email a few minutes a day.
CG: It is no fair for you and for me dear. Are you ready for Christmas?
Velvet: yes. did all the store shopping in Nov and the rest online. HA!
CG: I am surprise,, organize girl…. I hope you have something for me, your e-friend.
Velvet (trying to get down to business:) Nope. Sorry. Just these emails. Without a picture I can’t do much for you.
CG: Just because a picture!? Ok, sent your pic first.
Velvet: No. I asked first. You send it first.
CG: I really like your name. I do not have pictures of me right now, but why a picture is so important? Feelings are important, don’t you think. I drank coffee yesterday at my office so I could not sleep well last night. Now I am sleepy, but must work untill late. Thanks god I have you to talk with. It is going to snow tomorrow, be ready. Bytheway, is that your real name?
Velvet: Yes, a picture is important. What are you hiding? Usually when people won’t send a pic it’s because they are overweight.
CG: That was funny. I am extremely fit, no muscular but in very good shape. I am not hiding anything, what for?, I just do not have a picture right now. But you can mail me one of yours misterious starr. Are you going to see NANIA?
Velvet: I don’t send one until you do.
CG: Do not worry, we do not need pictures, words are enought, more than enought. Hey do you play soccer?

At this point, I didn’t answer that. Then I get this:

CG: Do you have a male friend? My beautiful Eritrean friend wants a double date.

Um, WHAT? I don’t think that Crazy Guy and I were EVER in the same conversation. What is Nania? Who is Eritrean?

What about this dick? After he called me the fake name, I said this:
Velvet: And shhh…but that’s not my name. You just don’t know who you are going to meet on here, and who is going to stalk you. There are plenty of men looking for married women. No clue why. Oh, well, I guess I have a clue why.
Psycho Guy: so, who are you? are you married and looking for a fling? well, then come on over. or, if yoyu’re tracking your husband, then you ought to know he probably has cheated on you. And you’re wondering why you’re still with the jerk? because you’re st… (fill in the blank.)you can fool others but you can’t fool yourself.
Velvet: Not married. And to the rest of what you wrote: huh?
Psycho Guy: then send your picture… what you waiting?
Velvet: You first.
Psycho Guy: i asked you first, so you’ve to send your pic first. look you’ve to stop playing games or good luck spying online… and have fun.i’m not going to put up with your crap… perhaps you can find a blue collar high school drop out.

Ok, and what do we think about this picture?

When I looked at this, I, uh, had a thought. It wasn’t a good one, and I really shouldn’t repeat it. Let’s just say it had something to do with a movie and that forehead. Then he kept firing off the pictures, one after the next,and I know now that that forehead has traveled the world and never been smaller or changed shape.

Why do people block faces out like this? Who cares? My friends don’t care. Shit, poor BestGuyFriend-M has had his face plastered all over Yahoo Personals because one of my best pictures was taken with him.

What about this picture? Who would send this out to anyone? I would love to bring some guy home to my parents with a fucking bird on his hat. Could you imagine? Oh wait, none of you know my mom. She would flip out. My dad probably wouldn’t notice the bird, but he would participate in the conversations between my brother and my mom. Then sometime down the road, maybe a month or two from now, he would lean over to me at dinner and say, “Who is this birdhead everyone talks about?”

And to this guy I say, “Nice bird dude.”

All right. More to come. This is so fun.

When I Look At You I Think That’s Just What I Need

Greetings from the Dog-Infirmary. Thora is vomiting everywhere and Sammy woke up with an eye infection. My poor babies! Is it possible that I’m not as good a mother as I think I am? When Sammy is sick he really brings out the mommy in me. He crawls in my lap and hangs his head really low. It’s very endearing. I’m a sucker. What can I say?

Well, thanks Sharkie for the tip. Who ever would have thought Craigslist would end up being so much fun. Now in addition to checking my regular email, and my Velvet email, I have to check the third, totally anonymous email I set up for tricking men and wreaking havoc. Last week I picked about 10 decent sounding ads and wrote nutty stuff to all of them. Most of it was jibberish and things I would never respond to if it were my ad. But, mostly everyone wrote back. As usual, you narrow down to a few and I just got pictures this morning of the two I thought were the most intelligent and coherent. Surprise, they are both pretty decent looking. Actually, they are beyond 5’s on a scale of 1-10. Those are good odds.

So here lies a theory – the more you pay the worse the chances? It’s Just a Nightmare cost beaucoup de bucks. Any online service is between $20 and $30. Craigslist is free. What the hell.

A Little Rendezvous, A Little Mystery

Imagine laying in your snuggly warm bed on a Monday that will undoubtedly end with snow, while all the suckers are making their way to work. It was so nice for the 3 & 1/2 minutes of peace. That is, until the firetrucks. Sometimes, I really think they overdo it. I mean, come on. There’s no need for all that siren screeching and horn blowing when the roads are practically empty and no one’s in your fucking way! I know the sirens and horns just boost the firemen’s egos. (All right, pushing buttons makes me feel important too.) So I’m hoping that they will keep driving, further and further from my bed. But then I hear it…over their speakers….”We have arrived at {insert Velvet’s Address here.} Fuck!

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

Firemen crawling all over the place. Great.

I open the front door of my condo, thinking I’m going to walk to my neighbors (with my pj’s still on and we all know I’m a fan of cotton) and there are three firemen out there in the hall staring at me. It’s a sad realization when you think for a split second that they just may have come for you. What do I do? My friend N (who doesn’t want to be named because she’s a Freak, capital F) said, “You asked if any of them were single?” Uh, no, apparently I didn’t think of that because I’m so out damn practice at this point. I just slammed the door in their faces. Not before, of course, Thora barked at them like a maniac to let them know whose floor they were on. Then they went into the stairwell. My building didn’t burn down, luckily, and I could have parlayed the whole experience into a dating drama, by opening my mouth, or my shirt, but I’m too stupid.

Too awake now to go back to bed, I turned on the computer and promptly found this: That made my day much much better. Aww…thanks KOB!

I continue to think about blogging, why I do it, how I feel about it, if I’ll ever stop and am always encouraging others by cutting off their chatter with, “Ugh, Drama. You really need your own blog.” I was thinking about how some bloggers remain mysterious and don’t seem to want to reveal themselves. I wish that I could be that person, in the background – all mysterious. Someone whose moves everyone would follow with bated breath, someone whose identity everyone would speculate but none could ever confirm. Then I realized that I’m just not that person. I enjoy that blogging has brought to me a new social circle of friends. I wouldn’t have them without having revealed my identity. While I don’t want to be completely outed to the public because I do some really bad things to some of the men I date (last paragraph on that link and read between the lines,) I’m okay with being known to a selective few…dozen.

The day continued to improve as I found out that a $10 million acquisition I worked very hard on for a year, that I bounced from my old company to my new one, then lost, just ended up back in my lap today. The broker called with the words “guess what” and the conversation ended with me reinstating our offer and jumping from the rooftops singing.

The day ends with some interesting info. How much fun am I going to have with this little tidbit?

  • After making it big in TV, music, and film, Paris returns to the literary world with her second book, ‘Your Heiress Diary.’ Now she wants to answer your questions in an upcoming interview! Send your questions to, and check back on Dec. 8th to hear her answers.

Dear Paris: Why are you such a dirty ho? Dear Paris: What’s up with your eye that doesn’t open all the way? Dear Paris: How many men have you really slept with? Dear Paris: Why do you tilt your head in that stupid pose for all your pictures? Dear Paris: Why do you twist your legs like an 8 year old in all your pictures? Dear Paris: Have you ever done it in The Hilton?
So glad I have all those totally anonymous email addresses from all the fake profiles I created to trap BoyFace. Aah, so fun.

In the interest of keeping the dating alive and well in my life, I have the following news to report. Steve2 and I have had plans that keep getting moved and moved and moved. He’s one of my last men from Yahoo. We were supposed to go out last night but he canceled. Whatevs, I don’t really care anymore. Based on an idea I got from Sharkbait, I decided to peruse Craig’s List (who knew?) and used my very anonymous email addy to mess with a few men. But these guys are all freaks. Actually, one or two are normal, but they are still nameless, faceless freaks to me. So, I’m back on match. We’ll see how this goes. For someone who writes a dating blog, I’m really a little too picky. I should be dating any and every loser that happens in my direction. Ok. I’ll try.

All The Lights That Lead Us There Are Blinding

I’m really jumping in it today, so brace yourselves. Here are two pieces of information you will need as a prelude to what is to come:

  1. It’s no secret that I’m in love with a man who is no longer a part of my life, never knew how I felt, has moved on, and yet, I can’t get him out of my head.
  2. I feel incredible anxiety in my life about many things, and I can’t always coax myself past what I’m anxious about. Just last night, for instance, I had a dream that my neighbor and I were sitting on my balcony and Sammy (one of the true loves of my life) heard a dog barking down on the street below. Instead of doing his usual jumping up on the chair and looking down at the street, he actually jumped off the balcony. It happened in slo-mo in my dream, and I screamed a blood curdling scream, then woke up with a jolt out of bed. The anxiety of something happening to my dogs is one of my constant demons.

Because of number 2 above, I started going to a social worker / therapist, whatever you would call it, about a year and a half ago. She has been incredible in helping me realize how destructive this anxiety is and is helping me not fixate on it. Well, she tries. Unfortunately I can’t accomplish this, truly, without an anti-anxiety medicine. I’m very against medicines-for-life because I can’t shake that feeling of wanting to be normal without them. I fill the prescriptions, but I never take them. Last night’s dream is another indicator that a life without some sort of anti-anxiety med might not be possible.

Anyway, in the course of my seeing the therapist, she harped on issue number 1 and me not being in the dating world. This was about a year ago. She told me to stop pining for a man who may not even be what I built him up to in my head, to stop comparing everyone to him, and to “get out there.” And with that, I followed her advice. Well, the “get out there part” anyway.

So I did the only things I could think of to immediately jump into the dating world. This included going online (UGH!) and joining It’s Just Lunch (Double UGH!) In the course of these hellacious experiences, people suggested I start writing them down, as some of the stories were too priceless to not share. With that, I created Velvet in Dupont. At the time, it was just an outlet for me and my friends to enjoy. The sheer joy and feeling of accomplishment that comes from writing was and is its own reward.

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